Fair Paraguay Rum Xo is like its counterpoint from El Salvador, a brilliant example of Rum well made that hides in plain sight.
Fair Paraguay Rum XO is a proper Rum and what I mean by that is that it doesn’t mess about and it isn’t trying to be something it’s not. Plenty of Rums at the moment are trying to stand out in a busy crowd by experimenting with interesting finishes from barrels, or even heaven forbid by adding flavourings. They also try to stand out with fancy bottles and colourful labels. Fair Paraguay Rum XO does none of this. Right at the centre of the bottle in the largest font is the word, ‘Fair.’ This is first and foremost a Fairtrade Product.
Fair Paraguay Rum XO is a blend of 2-5-year-old Rums that have exclusively been aged in ex-Canadian Rye Whiskey barrels. The liquid is produced at the Otisa Sugar Mill in Paraguay.
This Rum has been created from fermented Molasses and distilled on a column still- quite a traditional process but as the Rum is relatively young it allows all the flavour of the distillate to shine through. I taste lots of Caramel, so much so that I feel like i’m in a Werther’s Orignal advert. There is also a really pleasing through note of soft and over-ripe banana- barbequed banana perhaps? At 40%abv it’s mellow and warming on the plate, with lots of vanilla that makes me think it is a sweet Rum. It’s rich and finishes with a nice gentle sice like white pepper.
This is first and foremost a Fairtrade Rum and they proudly note that the Sugarcane is certified Organic and sourced directly from a co-op of independant farmers in Paraguay.
This is a unique taste into the quality of the production in Paraguay and not to be missed. Once you have tried this, you must try the other new XO release from Fair, from El Salvador, see my write up here.